For as long as we can remember Blunt has been releasing projects that not only document some of the best riding that the global scene has to offer, but also challenge their audience with unique video concepts and a variety of series' that allow the audience to see riders in a different light. The Blunt Titanomakhia videos remain consistent with these well established traditions. We were lucky enough to shoot some messages back and forth with Blunt icons Jonathan Perroni and Matis Neyroud, and gain some insight on the trip as a whole, their future aspirations, and their relationship with Blunt personally and professionally.
How old are you, how long have you been on Blunt & where are you from?
Matis: I’m 20 years old and I’ve been on blunt since 7 years. I’m from Montreux, Switzerland.
Pepe: Wassup I’m 23, I live in Paris, I came in the Blunt Flow Team in 2014 and became pro in 2015
How did your relationship with Blunt/Envy begin?
Matis: I did the « AirJam » scooter camp and Flavio was there, he contacted me 6 months after the camp.
Pepe: I met my manager Arnaud at the historic Montreux Scooter Contest in 2014, and the story has begun
Describe the concept for the Blunt Greece trip and the Titanomakhia video?
Matis: Two teams, two cameras so more spots to see for the viewers, and a maximum of good vibes!
Pepe: The concept was very simple, Flow and Pro team for the first time, 2 teams with 2 flows and 2 pros (Kronos and Zeus for the history) and let’s see which team can make the best footages
Any battles / stories from the trip?
Matis: For my longest ice pick ever ! I did two days, one hour and half on the first one and about 40 minutes the second day.
Pepe: Hmmm I remember one battle, it was on a big famous place of Athens with lot of spots around it, we rode it for maybe 2 hours with the other team ! The 2 teams sent it hard! Crazy moment
What is the Blunt community / team experience like on trips like this?
Matis: Holidays with the bosses is always so nice, we all learn about each other and enjoy the most!
Pepe: If I can say 3 words for this question : Fun, Family, Love
Being some of the best riders in the world, do you feel pressure to perform when you are on a trip like this?
Matis: Never, I had some bad injuries that proves me that I need my time and I need to listen to my body first. No pressure
Pepe: No I don’t feel pressure, but I send it 200% like always because making video on trips is life !
What is your most meaningful memory from your career with Blunt so far?
Matis: I think it’s when I landed my fifty sugarcane fakie fifty flair in Australia.
Pepe: The 1st thing that comes to my mind is the Scandinavian Trip, because it was my first Pro Trip, and I swear it was CRAZY to be with the team and discover the world !
You’ve been killing it for so many years now. What keeps you motivated?
Matis: All the scooter scenes.
Pepe: I’ve always loved scootering, it’s the passion, it’s the life, it was a dream to be a pro rider and now I am so I enjoy it 100%
Speak on the process and excitement of having your own signature deck
Matis: I couldn’t imagine to have one, so I’m so happy that they ask me and made one for me.
Pepe: I never thought about it as a kid cause it’s a crazy thing, it’s a real consecration for pro rider career. It’s still hard for me to believe it
What are your future goals & aspirations within Scootering?
Matis: More new tricks and I hope one day I can have my own mega ramp.
Pepe: Keep exploring the world, make videos, push my limits
Full Blunt Titanomakhia Videos
Article by Benji Zacharias
Photos by Jeremy Suchet
Thanks to Jonathan and Matis for taking the time to chat with us