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(757) Sten Magnus: Welcome To TSI

Sten Magnus was recently welcomed to the TSI team and dropped this video to ensure that this milestone did not go unnoticed. This young ripper hails from Oslo, Norway and has been rising rapidly in our scene for the past few years. You may know him from his clips in any number of Venture Crew and Wise Scooters videos for the past few years and it is so amazing to see a young rider like this put so much emphasis on going out and filming for real videos. Sten rides with an incredible amount of technicality, style, and diversity and this video proves that he is one of the most underrated riders in scootering today. We have heard rumors that Sten is working on another full part that should be out by the end of the year so keep your eyes peeled for that. Big shout out as well to Bjorn Lilligraven, Andreas Helen, Michael Skretting, and Martin Stangenes for killing it behind the lens and to Bjorn for the editing as well. Hope you all enjoy.

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